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শুক্রবার, নভেম্বর ১২, ২০১০

How to write a project propojal:
1.      Address of the Organization (Head Office) :
Renaissance Health Education Development Society (RHEDS)
Atibazar , Keranigonj, Dhaka
website: www.rheds.blogspot.com

2.      Year of establishment: December 2007

3.            Vision and mission of the organization:
*      VISION: To make Bangladesh poverty free.
*      MISSION: Combating poverty in the impassable hilly regions and other un-served areas of Bangladesh in order to create a poverty free Bangladesh.

4.      Legal standing (Registration details, attaching valid registration certificate):

5.      Organizational structure (Organ gram):





GM ( PDT.)   ↔GM (AC. & FIN.) ↔GM (MKT.)








6. List of regional offices and that of its local offices in the region of the project applied for Physical facilities such as office accommodation, equipment, vehicles and information technology (IT) facilities at the Head Office of the organization and that at its Regional/local office nearest to the proposed project site

7. List and brief CV of the key staff members and consultants to be involved in the proposed project in a running paragraph format, not exceeding 300 words. The CV should include the name, age, academic qualification, specialization, duration and nature of contract with the organization, relevant experience and significant achievements of the staff member/consultant and his/her prospective role in the proposed project

8. List of support staff relevant to the project (giving name, designation, academic qualification and nature of contract and duration of engagement with the organization)
Brief description of relevant experiences (name of the program/project, duration, source of fund, project area, significant achievements, success stories)

1. Title of the project: Save the Forest and Lead a Better life (SFLB).

2. Rationale and Objective:  The persons how cultivate different crops like Zinger, Turmeric etc and practice Jhum Cultivation method in the slope of hill areas; due to lack knowledge they are destroying the forest. The main objective is to target this people and supports them properly because forest diverse range of industries such as agriculture, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, horticulture, construction and waste treatment.

3. Location and Scope of the Project

            A.        Atibazar
                        P.O. Shakta, P.S. Keranigonj
Dist. Dhaka-1312.

            B.        Dhighinala
                        P.O. Bhakurta, P.S. Savar
4. Outcome or Expected results (Categorize expected results and how these improve or advance the current situation. Outcomes or expected results must be quantified and closely linked to the stated objectives. Baseline information should be indicated).

5. Activities
*      Training
*      Awareness program
*      Field visit

6. Methods/general plan of action (Strategies):

The person how are using Jhum cultivation the forest mainly will be the target people.
·                                 Vision of institutional development of the project participants (groups/communities), process of community organizing and the exit strategy of the NGO

·                                 Process of developing annual work plan of the NGO and that of the community-based organizations.

·                                 Training approach:  Income Generating Activities, Forest conservation, Organization & Development

·                                 Building community awareness on conservation of the ecosystem and the biodiversity assets of the targeted tropical forest area

·                                 Monitoring of project activities: A technical team will provide necessary technical assistance and guidance to the project.

·                                 Coordination with other stakeholders: Project staff will always coordinate with the stakeholders regularly.  

7. Organizational set up For successful field level implementation of the partner will recruit the following position for each working Upazilla.
            a. Project Officer
            b. Extension worker
            c. Accounts Officer.

a. Project Officer: The project officer should have at least a bachelor degree in agriculture and will be preference those having practical experience in the related field.. 

b. Extension worker: The extension worker should have at least a bachelor degree in any discipline or diploma in agriculture or forestry or H.S.C. with 2-3 years practical experience in the related field.. 

c. Accounts Officer. The Accounts officer should have at least a bachelor degree in Accounts and will be preference those having practical experience in the related field.. 

Executive Director

Project Officer

                                                Extension Worker (Field level)  Accounts officer

9. Budget (Describe the general budget items in support of planned activities. Budget allocations for personnel services (staff cost) should not exceed 30% and 15% for administrative costs (overhead). Counterpart contributions of proponent and potential partners, including monetized value of labor and use of equipment, should also be described).

Table 13: Cultural Practices of some major horticultural crops:
Crop Seed rate(g/ha),Spacing(cm),Mode of planting, Fertilizer(kg/ha)
Pest and diseases and their control
Harvesting time/Remarks
Sowing/Planting time: Winter: Sept.-Dec.,
Summer: March – July.
Seed rate(g/ha):150-160
Mode of planning: Transplanting 30-40 days old seedlings.
Fertilizer (kg/ha): Cowdung-4000, Urea-250, TSP-175, MP-216, and Gypsum-140.
Aphids: Malathion/Fifanon@2ml/1
White fly:
Leaf miner: Diazinon/Symbush@1ml/1
Ridomil MZ-72@2g/1
Late blight:Rovral@2g/1

Winter: 80-90 days after planting.
Summer: 60-85 days after planting.
Pruning of side sucker is necessary after 21 & 35 days of planting. Plant is supported by bamboo stick in inverted ‘V’ from. Polytunnel is required in summer.
Sowing time: winter: Sept.-Dec.
Summer: March-July
Seed rate:100-135
Mode of planning:
Transplanting 30-40 days old seedlings.
Fertilizer (kg/ha):
Cowdung-4000, Urea-280, TSP-150, MP-216, and Gypsum-45.
Shoot and foot borer: Collect and kill larvae
Bacterial wilt: Ripcord/Simbush/Basathrin
@0.5ml/1, 7 days interval
Eradicate the whole plant
Blight: Rovral@1ml/1
Harvest soft fruit with immature seed.
Sowing time:  Sept.-Nov.
Seed rate(g/ha):350-400
Mode of planning:
Transplanting 30-35 days old seedlings.
Fertilizer (kg/ha):
Cowdung-4000, Urea-280, TSP-140, MP-216, and Gypsum-100.
Spodoptera: Collect & kill the larvae.
Diamond back moth:
Harvest cabbage after 90-100 days of planting.
Sowing time:  Sept.-Nov.
Seed rate(g/ha):400-500
Mode of planning:
Transplanting 30-35 days old seedlings.
Fertilizer (kg/ha):
Cowdung-4000, Urea-220, TSP-175, MP-160, and Gypsum-110.

Leaf Pot: Rovral @ 2ml/1
Harvest cabbage after 60-90 days of planting
Before the curd becomes discolored, loose & ricey

রবিবার, নভেম্বর ০৭, ২০১০

Animal Production:
Range and Grassland Management:
Rangelands provide the principal source of forage for the cattle and sheep operations on thousands of American farms and ranches. As human populations increase and demand for food and energy expands, the need for forage and the other range resources will increase.
Beef Resources:
The United States is the world's largest beef producer and second largest beef exporter, but significant imports of lower-valued processing beef also make it the world's largest beef importer.
Dairy Resources:
Milk has a farm value of production second only to beef among livestock industries. Dairy farms, which are overwhelmingly family-owned and managed, are generally members of producer cooperatives. Dairy products range from cheese, fluid milks, yogurt, butter, and ice cream to dry or condensed milk and whey products, which are main ingredients in processed foods.
Poultry Resources:
Poultry and egg production is expected to expand in the coming years to meet higher domestic and foreign demand. The growing demand for relatively low-cost, healthy, and convenient meat products is expected to support higher domestic poultry consumption. The opening of trade due to bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations is also expected to boost demand for U.S. poultry products.
Pork Resources
The United States is the world's second-largest pork producer and a major player in the world pork market, ranking second as both an importing and exporting country. RHEDS conducts market analyses on the domestic and world pork markets, including domestic supply and utilization, farm and retail pork prices, and international trade.
Alternative Livestock:
Alternative livestock production is another option for protecting the genetic diversity in livestock and poultry species through the conservation and promotion of endangered breeds.
Animal Identification:
Animal identification systems provide the ability to identify disease control and eradication, disease surveillance and monitoring, emergency response to foreign animal diseases, regionalization, global trade, livestock production efficiency, consumer concerns over food safety, and emergency management programs.
Animal Production Research and Reports:
Through various market and animal research programs and reports, RHEDS has developed biotechnological methods and gathered data and statistics to demonstrate the great development of animal productivity in the United States and foreign markets.


Welcome to the RHEDS's Agricultural Biotechnology Website:
RHEDS supports the safe and appropriate use of science and technology, including biotechnology, to help meet agricultural challenges and consumer needs of the 21st century. RHEDS AP plays a key role in assuring that products produced using biotechnology is safe to be grown and used in the BANGLADESH. Once these products enter commerce, RHEDS AP supports bringing these and other products to the worldwide marketplace. For the RHEDS AP Agricultural Biotechnology website click here for information on:

শনিবার, নভেম্বর ০৬, ২০১০

About us

RHEDS (Renaissance Health Education Development Society) is a non profitable non-government organization. It has been working since 2007 through the rural area of Whole Bangladesh. There are various activities performing the RHEDS such as RHEDS Agriculture Program, Family planning, Training Program, Awareness build up about HIV aids. Its Head Office is located at Keranigonj in Dhaka.   It has ten branches office around the country and total stuff of RHEDS is sixty. The executive committee of RHEDS as bellow as:
Contact No.
Md. Aminul Islam Tapu
e-mail: tapu_snighda@yahoo.com
Kazi Samirunnesa
Vice Chairman
Md. Taherul Islam
Secretary General
Umme Salma
Abdullah –al-Mamun
M.Sc in Computer Science
Nurul Islam Shapon
Nazma Pasa